Solicitar bono social endesa por internet

formulario bono social endesa

Un nuevo Real Decreto introducirá cambios en el Bono Social Eléctrico. Para los que ya son beneficiarios habrá un aumento en el porcentaje de descuento y también se ampliará el periodo de vigencia de la ayuda como parte de las nuevas condiciones para poder solicitarla.

Pensionistas: si el solicitante (o en el caso de una unidad familiar, todos los miembros de la misma) que tenga ingresos, percibe la pensión mínima (por jubilación o incapacidad permanente) y no percibe ningún otro ingreso cuyo importe conjunto anual supere los 500 euros.

Los clientes que hayan sido calificados como consumidores vulnerables de acuerdo con el RDL 21/2021, de 26 de octubre, y sigan cumpliendo los requisitos establecidos, seguirán siendo considerados como tales sin necesidad de volver a ser acreditados, salvo que las circunstancias referidas dejen de darse con posterioridad a esa fecha.

Los descuentos del Bono Social sobre el total de la factura están sujetos a una limitación de consumo eléctrico. Una vez superado este límite, la energía se facturará de acuerdo con los precios de la tarifa regulada (PVPC), sin descuento:

gas social voucher

Endesa’s social voucher is an economic aid from the state as a discount on the electricity bill, with which to meet the payment of the electricity supply and intended for all those consumers at risk of energy poverty.

Endesa’s social bonus is a financial aid provided by the government to the most economically disadvantaged users and groups, so that they can afford to pay their electricity bills. This aid translates into a discount of between 25% and 40%, depending on the user’s degree of vulnerability.

Temporary ban on supply cuts To mitigate the effect of the rise in electricity prices, the Government has approved a ban on electricity and gas supply cuts to vulnerable consumers until April 2022.

Not just any Endesa customer can obtain the social bonus, as the consumer must meet a series of conditions to be able to apply for the Endesa social bonus. The user must meet the following requirements, which are measured according to the economic level and the family and personal situation of the applicant.

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If all the data provided is correct and the user actually fulfills the conditions, Energía XXI will accept the application within a maximum period of 15 days. Once approved, the customer will see a discount on their next electricity bill that will depend directly on their socioeconomic situation.

Those who wish to apply for the Endesa social bonus online will have three ways to do so: through an online form, PDF form and the Energía XXI mobile app. Below, we explain how to carry out the process in each of these cases.

Another way to request this aid is by downloading and filling in the Endesa social bonus application form (PDF). Once all the information has been filled in, the application must be sent through the following channels:

It is also possible to request the social bonus through Endesa’s app “Energía XXI Bono Social”, which is available for both Android and iOS devices. The process through the mobile application is the same as the online form, although the documents will be sent photographed as required.

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The Bono Social is a discount for people with difficulties to pay their electricity bill. Although it has aspects that could be improved, it is undoubtedly the best alternative for those who meet its requirements. In addition, it entitles you to access the thermal social bonus. Therefore, we encourage you to check if you are entitled to the social bonus and if you think you are eligible for it, apply for it as soon as possible. We explain step by step how to apply for it.

The validity of the social voucher for this group has been extended and is currently available until February 28, 2022 and the applicant is responsible for notifying if their circumstances change and they are no longer entitled to it.