Tenias que ser tu telenovela capitulos

tenías que ser tú capítulo 2

La telenovela cuenta la historia de Marisa y su hija de 8 años, Nicole, quienes viven en Villahermosa con la abuela María Elena y la nana Jaquie, pero sus vidas cambian cuando una oportunidad de trabajo para Marisa, en el negocio inmobiliario, las lleva a mudarse a la Ciudad de México.

Nicole le cuenta a Miky su deseo de encontrar a su padre. Amaranta descubre que Marcelo tiene preferencias con Marisa y está dispuesto a hacerle daño. Jeny planea esperar más tiempo y termina su relación con Miky.

Marisa no se atreve a confesarle a Marcelo que es el padre de Nicole. Jeny está segura de que a Miky le gusta Marisa y le pide que no mantenga contacto con ella. Marisa corre el riesgo de perder a su hija.

Ezequiel ya es novio de Amanda, pero sus hijos no la aceptan. Marisa pospone el viaje, porque Marcelo está dispuesto a exigir sus derechos sobre Nicole y no les permitirá salir de la ciudad.

Jeny confirma que a Miky le gusta Marisa. Nicole acepta que Marcelo no es el padre que siempre soñó, porque pensaba que sería como Miky. Marcelo quiere recuperar los años perdidos con su hija.

tlnovelas net tenias que ser tu

This telenovela is a remake of the Chilean Ámbar and is about a woman who tries to make a new life in another city when she meets the father of her daughter who claims custody of her. But it’s not all problems as she also finds a new love.

Luis Gatica and Archi Lanfranco made special appearances as they were both in other telenovelas at the same time. Of course their work is recognized, but aren’t there more actors? Are they hired because they already have a fixed salary in the company?

tenias que ser tú grand finale

This telenovela is a remake of the Chilean Ámbar and is about a woman who tries to make a new life in another city when she meets the father of her daughter who claims custody of her. But it’s not all problems as she also finds a new love.

Luis Gatica and Archi Lanfranco made special appearances as they were both in other telenovelas at the same time. Of course their work is recognized, but aren’t there more actors? Are they hired because they already have a fixed salary in the company?

Tenias que ser tu telenovela capitulos en línea

If you are wondering where to watch the telenovela Tenias que ser tu capitulos: TE RESPONDO; on Televisa’s official channel Completely free, also tell you that through this online telenovela portal you will have a link to access all the chapters that are already on the respective official page of Tenias que ser tu from the country of Mexico.

Oswaldo Beltrán, a father, dies tragically in a car accident, leaving his family (his widow Dolores, his eldest daughter Gabriela and his youngest son Vado) at the mercy of poverty and hunger. Eventually, the three of them manage to get along without many comforts.