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Dog page

Have you ever called someone a cynic? Has anyone ever called you one? If we turn to a pocket dictionary to find out what such an adjective means, we won’t find much more than, “meaning one who defends or practices with impudence and dishonesty vituperable actions or doctrines.” Who would have thought that the citizen of Sinope Diogenes the Cynic (413-323 B.C.) that the books of posterity, twenty-four centuries after his death no less, would come up with a definition of his intellectual movement that would have so gratified his cynical ears.

The Chair Animals and Society of the URJC, in collaboration with DogtorAnimal, has launched a program of Animal Assisted Leisure for the users of the Fundación Murallas de Algodón, a local NGO….

In order to explain the factors that will influence the correct development of our dog’s behavior, it is convenient to analyze which are the stages of its development, as this will help us …

Canine pets, for the great majority of owners, stop being intrusive animals to become members of the family, trusted friends, living beings that are loved and respected. …

History of the dog

Your dog spends a lot of time in the garden and you would like to give him a weatherproof kennel? Whoever has a little skill with a hammer, nails and so on can build it himself. We give you tips on how to make a doghouse.

The dosage is what determines the poison. However, it is important to know what toxic substance the dog has ingested. So that the vet can treat the poisoning specifically and you know which plants you should not have in the apartment, we propose lists of the most important toxic plants for dogs.

People who have been living with a dog for a long time can intuit what the furry ones want to tell them. On the other hand, canine language can be difficult to understand for beginners, as it is very complex. Unfortunately, misunderstandings can have serious consequences, e.g. if a dog doesn’t know what else to do and suddenly bites. This article will help you to better understand the language of dogs.

On hot summer days, there is nothing better than a refreshing ice cream. This is also shown by a dog’s eager look at these frozen delicacies. With our recipes you can easily make tasty dog ice cream to give your furry friend a healthy treat in summer.

I am a dog

Cyclists, hourly dog walkers, runners and walkers keep post-pandemic distances in the most exclusive LondonTwo pomeranians, friendly little balls of fluffy and adorable colored fur; a bichon habanero, says his mistress in a school uniform, and the classic yorkshire terrier, with the face of frightened old men. On the other side of the Serpentine Lake, the parade of doggy vanities continues, while the masters exchange confidences and perhaps pleasantries.

Soon after, a bouncing poodle threatens to start a love story when he crosses the bridge with an Afghan greyhound braided with a motley canine jewelry of more price than taste. Perhaps they will culminate their romance by the Diane Memorial Fountain, inspired by Lady Di’s ill-fated passions, or scampering further down the Diana Memorial Playground. Meanwhile, cyclists, hourly dog walkers, runners and walkers begin the ballet of post-pandemic distances surrounded by some of Europe’s most expensive postal districts.

Best dog blogs

-We don’t usually show ourselves but that Aldo had been wandering around the area for so long that my relative decided to give him a treat,” explains the Achichilique in the same Clandeboye wetland where, more than half a century ago, one of his ancestors suddenly emerged from the depths of a pool in front of Aldo Leopold, who was dozing on the shore. A Virgina razorback had been about to graze the legendary ecologist’s nose when the achichilique “as big as a goose, with the lines of a slender torpedo” appeared.

I skirt the water skirting reeds and weeds among which a mink scurries and a red-legged redshank whistles while several marsh cockatoos fly over me in search of prey. This was a regular route for Aldo Leopold, who forged in places like this the ecological conscience that would make him a pioneer.

Of course, Aldo has not retained the retranca that distinguishes the literature of his namesake. Nor the elegance. The convictions may be similar, and the hardness, but Leopold’s forcefulness is based on irrefutable facts, on images that tell it all without the need for fuss. Being implacable, he avoids rudeness.