Carlos garcia de olalla

Romance de la luna

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Olalla garcía


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Casida del llanto – federico garcía lorca read by carlos

Olalla sometimes “responds” to her mother with one of the poems of the “exceptional gentleman” who was Lorente and sometimes recites poems by Mario Benedetti and José Agustín Goytisolo or Casida del llanto, by Lorca, which she always introduces saying of him that “he is not one of the best known, but one of the most necessary”.

She, who performed at the Real the version made by Peter Hanecke of Mozart’s Cosí fan tutte, has gone today to the cemetery and he has work with the announcement, so until Monday they will not return to “offer function” on line 2 of the subway (Las Rosas-Cuatro Caminos) from 11.00 to 13.00 and 17.00 to 19.00 hours.

“People turn around and there are those who give you up to 20 euros. We do not drop the rings to do this. Things have to be done out of dignity and this is how we present ourselves to the passengers, telling them who we are and why we are there and that, if they want, they can give us a hand so that the artists can make a living from their work.”

“We were filling alternative venues but when we made the division between the time we devoted to it and what we earned, we came out at fifty cents an hour. Theater is an act of resistance and I want to continue resisting,” he concludes.

Principal models – videobook carlos garcía olalla

A few days ago I read an article in which the author asked himself: “What is reality? It is a question that encouraged me to make the reflection that I now share with you, both with those of you who believe and with those who are far away or with doubts about God. Have you noticed how we think about reality, our personal reality and the reality of everything that exists? Very often, when we think of it, we define it by material goods or by problems that beset the lives of all of us, be they social, economic, political or of any other kind, but we do not think of God?

Let us think for a few moments of Jesus Christ, a God with a human face, who draws near to us; he is God-with-us, the God who manifests his immense love to us from the cross. Have you ever thought what it means for you to contemplate, to come to understand and live this love to the extreme? Have you experienced what it gives to human life to accept this love as the first disciples did when they said: “I will follow you wherever you go” (Lk 9:57)? What did it mean in their lives and in the world in which they proclaimed this Good News?