La gaceta de salamanca digital

24 hours salamanca

At the beginning, the newspaper had a morning and an evening edition. Its slogan was “El diario que cuenta con mayor cantidad de información en la provincia de Salamanca”, while its competition in the city was El Adelanto, which could boast of having a larger circulation but, certainly, included much ideology and less news than La Gaceta.

Precisely, in 1933, the politician José María Gil-Robles, head of the CEDA list, took over the direction of the newspaper, so the paper, which was already close to conservative circles, became more politicized. The newspaper had just been bought by the Bloque Agrario Salmantino. Previously, in 1932, the publication could not be published for a few days by government order, since its position after the August conflict known as the Sanjurjada took its toll when General Sanjurjo failed in Madrid, in his particular rebellion against the government.

During the Civil War, the city of Salamanca always remained in territory controlled by the troops of the rebel side. The newspaper was directed by the Falangist Juan Aparicio López, in charge of the edition of the JONS magazine and promoter of the yoke and arrows as a symbol of the Falange.

Periodico de salamanca spain

The departments of the Executive that invested the most, of the total amount exceeding 11.4 million euros, were the Department of the Presidency, with 2,488,058 euros – of this amount, 1,456,745 euros were allocated to digital and specialized media -; the Department of Culture and Tourism, with 2,374,012 euros; and the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development, with 1,748,149 euros – a part, 378,809 euros, invested in specialized media and other actions -.

The communication groups that received the largest amount for this concept in 2018 were Promecal, with 3,056,795 euros (Diario de Ávila; Diario de Burgos; Diario Palentino, El Día de Valladolid, plus Agencia ICAL); Edigrup, with 2. 459,361 euros (El Mundo CyL-Diario de Valladolid; Diario de León; El Correo de Burgos; Diario de Soria-Heraldo; and esRadio Castilla y León); and Vocento, with 2,137,786 euros (El Norte de Castilla and ABC). Next, by volume of investment received, were La Gaceta de Salamanca, with 491,720 euros; Prisa Radio (Cadena SER), with 479,611 euros; Onda Cero Radio, with 387,418 euros; and COPE, with 368,525 euros.

Digital freedom

The participants in the Foro Gaceta de Salamanca today highlighted the innovative and technological potential of Castilla y León and called for the maintenance of subsidies and grants for research groups in the universities of this region.

Speaking to journalists before the Gaceta Forum, organized by the newspaper La Gaceta de Salamanca, Juan Casado, Secretary General of the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León, stressed “the potential” that this Autonomous Community has “in terms of technological effort”.

The Gaceta Forum, which was attended by political, university and business representatives from Castilla y León, sought to highlight the importance of innovation and technology as engines for development.

For his part, Juan Manuel Corchado, Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer at the University of Salamanca, called for “continuing to maintain and finance groups of excellence in our universities that carry out basic research and which then have an impact on society”.

The iberosphere gazette

In view of the rains of these days, Prieto considers that it is going to be a good montanera and also sees good prospects for the coming Christmas season due to the recovery of many celebrations in the restoration.

Prieto recognizes that the possible modification of the Quality Standard for Iberian pork products and meats is paralyzed and, regarding how it would affect the application of the Nutriscore labeling system, he says that they are waiting for a working group to be formed with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs to work on this labeling system: “We do not agree with the algorithm because it does not consider the whole product,” said Prieto. “The Ministry of Consumer Affairs has wanted to do something and has made a mistake”, reports La Gaceta de Salamanca.