La gioconda taller de leonardo da vinci

lady with an ermin

Due to the layer of black paint that hid the landscape, it was believed to be a copy outside Leonardo’s environment;[22] although, made in the first quarter of the sixteenth century.[33] Until 2011, it was believed to be made on a panel of oak wood, a support linked to the Nordic painting (Flemish, Dutch, German),[39] but not to the Italian; even some researchers proposed as a possible author to another northern painter, the German Hans Holbein the Younger. [40] Another proposal made in 1961 attributed it to Ambroise Dubois, commissioned by Henry IV of France for his daughter Isabella of Bourbon, when she married Philip IV.[25] Another proposal was made in 1961.

leonardo da vinci models

Until the surprise. And what a surprise it was. Less than a decade ago, the copy of the Mona Lisa was claimed by the Louvre to be part of the exhibition L’ultime chef-d’oeuvre de Léonard de Vinci, the Sainte Anne scheduled for March 2012. The Prado reacted. If she was leaving the house, it would be better to spruce her up a bit for the occasion. The work prior to the restoration was a revelation. In fact, they changed the history not only of the copy but also of the famous Paris painting.

One of the first revelations is the best known. The black background of the Madrid copy actually hid the same landscape that envelops Leonardo’s Gioconda. “It was a fascinating moment,” recalls Almudena Sánchez, the restorer in charge of carrying out the probes that led to the find.

“Leonardo created his Gioconda side by side with the collaborator who executed the one we have in Madrid,” she says. There is talk that it could be Salai, his most beloved disciple, although other hands close to the artist are not ruled out. For Sanchez, “this totally changes the knowledge of both works and is a real milestone to enter that key moment in the history of art”.

vitruvian man

The Mona Lisa is a work that belongs to the pictorial portrait genre. This genre was promoted during the Renaissance and can be considered a true revolution, since it openly expresses the anthropocentric interest of that period. Now, what are the compositional characteristics of the famous painting?

Description and characteristicsFrom the compositional point of view, the Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait, or three-quarter portrait, on a landscape that is divided into two atmospheres, a colder one (the upper one) and a warmer one with earthy colors (the lower one).

Triangular composition. Detail of the hands. Detail of the veil over the face and landscape in the background. Her crossed hands form the base of the pyramidal shape. The light applied to the chest and neck is the same applied to the hands.

Her left arm is comfortably resting on the arm of the armchair and is crossed by the right arm. The position of the arms together with that of the armchair convey a distance between her and the viewer.

san juan bautista

DescripciónInformaciónDesde el 28 de septiembre hasta el 23 de enero de 2022, el Museo del Prado acoge la primera exposición dedicada a examinar las copias y versiones realizadas en el taller de Leonardo da Vinci y permitidas por él.

La exposición se basa en los estudios de La Sainte Anne, l’ultime chef-d’œuvre de Léonard de Vinci en el Museo del Louvre de París (Francia) en 2012, así como en análisis más recientes de los dibujos, tratados y técnica pictórica del autor italiano y su círculo más cercano.

Entre los mayores ejemplares de la obra de Leonardo se encuentra la Gioconda del Museo del Prado, que juega un papel esencial en esta exposición. Se trata de la primera versión conocida de La Gioconda y uno de los ejemplos más significativos de los procedimientos seguidos en la factoría de Leonardo.

No se sabe exactamente cómo llegó a España, aunque ya figuraba en la Galería del Mediodía del Alcázar en 1666. Se diferencia del original por el fondo negro, la menor calidad del dibujo y la ausencia del sfumato característico de Da Vinci.